Finding Your Ideal B2B Customer

I set up and grew a successful B2B SaaS company, with three amazing co-founders. My job was CEO and that meant lots of responsibility and one of the most important ones was revenue growth and finding customers.

Predictably we were not successful from day one. Even though we were pretty confident in our product, we’d not really worked out who the right target customer was. It took a while but finally we got it right and had a nice repeatable selling recipe.

There are lots of one page articles on the web that give ‘easy’ tips to find the Ideal Customer Profile or “ICP”. But my own observation post-exit of my business, was that other entrepreneurs might be interested in me flagging some of the important things involved, all in one place and in a bit more detail than those online one pagers. So I built some video training that initially I was selling to entrepreneurs that I coached. But more recently I decided it might be helpful just to ‘open source’ this stuff so any entrepreneur can see for themselves if it is useful.

So you’ll find this Ideal Customer ‘course module’ and others on my Blog and you’ll judge for yourself which bits help you achieve Fruitful Growth. Some examples used are probably just a little date now, but you’ll still get all the important bits. This content is no longer part of a complete paid for course, it is more like an archive to dip into. I hope you enjoy.

Welcome to the ‘Ideal Customer Challenge’ ;o)

Lesson 1. Zone to Win.

Lesson 2. Finding a Hidden Customer in your data.

Lesson 3. Learning from Customer Conversations.

Lesson 4. Finding a Founder’ Edge

Lesson 5. Knowing your facts and figures

Lesson 6. Pinning down your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP)

Lesson 7. Cross checks on you ICP

Lesson 8. Your ICP and the Addressable Market


Building Your Customer Offering