A naturally curious and creative entrepreneur.

A recipe for Fruitful Growth.

Energising Ideas.

Consciously focusing our energy into the things that we do, is what makes us most productive. We focus best when we are getting fulfilment and that comes from work we feel good about. Being successful at anything requires a sustained and patient focus in pursuit of our idea. So it is important to choose something that is individually inspiring for us, something we can enjoy over the longer run. This mindset offers rich potential for every person to do their best work.

Creative Process.

Artists and musicians are not the only creators. Every initiative in any job, each new startup or sports team, in fact everything needs a point of initial creation, then an ongoing creative process. The process requires patience, insight and nurture to deliver quality. Cultivating an environment where creativity blossoms means emphasising enjoyment, work pacing, whilst regularly publishing and shipping initiatives that brings moments of truth and take away the desire for perfectionism.

Take it as it comes.

Clearly seeing the daily opportunities as they present themselves and draw us to greater success, requires presence of mind. Whilst focusing on the ‘big plan’ is exciting, it has a tendency to take us into an imagined bigger picture of the future where we focus on battles we don’t need to fight. Whilst judging risk is part of being human, finding simple solutions to only the most important problems here and now, gives us more time for clear, positive opportunism and business agility. After all no plan survives first contact with the enemy.

Less is More.

They say it is boredom during childhood that nurtures innate creativity… “how many games can I play with this one pencil?'“. We see stock markets littered with large failing companies, those with unfettered means where the people started accepting mediocre. Needing to do one thing well because you can’t afford to do more and knowing that unless 1+1=3 then your business has no future creates a dynamic, energising culture where true potential can be realised.

Generous to others.

If we want a plant to grow, we water it. If we have a pet, then we feed it. Why is it uncommon for many, that beyond closest family and friends the thought of nurturing and investing in others is alien? We neither live, nor work in isolation therefore we make our own environments better when we bring generosity, assistance and help to bear. That means when we empathise and support, or offer healthy challenge, we are giving people what they need to thrive, and we are encouraging a more vigorous, vibrant culture.

Kind to self.

Everyone is different. We make up a mix of early birds and night owls, extroverts and introverts, rocket scientists and rock stars. We don’t do our best work in exactly the same way as our peers. Regimented, average, production line working are outmoded. When we are being kind to ourselves, the voice in our head stops comparing us to the next person and starts praising us for our unique contribution. We take care of ourselves so that we get the benefit of being our best selves, and everyone else gets our best contribution.

A bit about me.

I am an entrepreneur and I enjoy creating. I also enjoy helping people and their ideas flourish.

One of my ideas is to give more people access to my experience as a way of helping them. My blog offers up approaches that I have found to be reliable, and ways of thinking and operating that seem to get high success rates.

I continue to learn each day myself. I’m growing a B2B climate focused tech company.

What other say about me…

He’s opened our eyes to previously unseen opportunities.

Matt, Founder at Small Changes.

Incredibly warm and generous with his time.

Elizabeth, at Diversity Network.

Would not hesitate in recommending Richard.

Paul, Founder at Compare Wealth Managers

Richard is constructive engaging and really insightful.

Oliver, Founder at six keys.