Fruitful Growth.

Attaining more sustainable business success.

Fruitful Growth means creating and sustaining a naturally energised growth environment.

Sharing my Fruitful Growth thinking.

My name is Richard and I’m a successful entrepreneur. I love to bring agility, and positive opportunism into my day.

Fruitful Growth means creating and sustaining a naturally energised environment where success thrives.

It is my experience that every successful journey requires positivity, energy and focus to succeed and to have this we all need to be focused on the ideas and aims that we personally enjoy.

As we apply ourselves to those ideas, the most important thing is creativity, because everything we see has come from a starting point and grown. A good creative process must give space for our best work to occur. This thinking applies to every department of a business and every aspect of life.

Remaining flexible, agile and ready for anything that may occur is the best way for that creativity to take root, to grow the opportunities that come up, as well os overcome the problems as they appear.

The growth phase of a business, as its form and fit to its environment takes shape, fascinate me. It is at this point, on the journey where focusing on a niche, finding space to flourish, and succeeding through scarcity can deliver the biggest transformation and impact.

As leaders, remembering that the people we work with and rely upon are all part of the system that we are creating, is a great way to remind ourselves of another essential element of Fruitful Growth and that is to be generous. Only by being generous to others do we see the full potential of the whole as others give back in return.

Of course, whilst we are on the journey, we must ensure we have what we need, so that we can sustain the course and thrive. Taking the time for personal growth and space to develop is the final part of my Fruitful Growth thinking. I hope as you read more you find this interesting.

Leading with Creativity beats following a detailed Plan.

‘Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth’, so said “Iron” Mike Tyson, boxing world champion, reminding us that those best made plans, which we are all encouraged to make, will always get overtaken by events.

Acting in the present situation, whilst holding our long term aim in mind, allows us to bring agility and creative energy to what we do. It helps us to think more clearly and do our most productive work, where we grasp opportunities and avoid overthinking things.

People are hardwired to evaluate risk first and though this is useful, it is probably only 20% of the answer in growing businesses. With the world constantly changing in front of us, we need to meet each moment with the energy to succeed there and then, rather than checking back on a plan that is already out of date.

Life’s biggest opportunities are right in front of us but only when we are consciously looking out for them.

Figuring out the steps to your destination as you go, gives you agency in a way that a planned and fixed path on your journey does not.

Richard’s Blog is here to share my ideas and work to help you with yours.

If you want to get in touch with me for any reason you can DM me on LinkedIn and I will endeavour to get back to you. You can find links to my profile across this site.